is currently work in progress.

Mason Foorhees

Mason Foorhees is the name of Forsen's second role-playing character on the GTA V RP server, “NoPixel”.

Forsen joins the server after a shorter hiatus playing Minecraft, defeating a XQC record, now wanting to play a character that has no long-term commitment. He wanted a character he can jump in and play without having to come up with excuses if he were to have further long hiatuses.

The character idea is simple, Jason Voorhees by night and some “random Burger Shot” employee by day. But the character mechanics Forsen laid out were not simple. He surmised that he would have to severely limit how he played his character by giving himself several handicaps, such as not being able to run and needing role-play reasons to kill other characters.

Day 1

In Los Santos on a fateful night,
Mason arrived, shunning light.
From killer's garb to sweater vest,
A new beginning on his quest.

Mason's first order of business is to settle in Los Santos, first by finding clothes and getting a day job. He buys a Cruiser bike and slowly makes his way to Burger Shot. Once there, he talks to a man behind the register, Reginald, who mentions that they're currently overstaffed but says to keep his name for when a position opens up.

After biking around town and ending up at a general store to buy some supplies, Mason rammed his bike into the front light of a van. The owner of the van mocked his biking skills and then decided to kidnap him, forcing him into the trunk of a silver car. Mason, with no other choice, got in.

In the trunk, traumatized by the reckless driving, he plotted his revenge on the driver. Soon, the car stopped at a convenience store, and Mason was shoved inside, now a hostage in a robbery. Inside, a masked female pushed him to the ground and stole the $1.2k he had on him. The guns pointed at him made things worse, driving him into a calm and calculated madness, dead-set on revenge.

Eventually, a police squad car and two officers showed up, leading to a negotiation. The officers agreed to let the kidnappers go in exchange for Mason’s release. Once safe, Mason exchanged numbers with an officer who promised to get his money back.

A few hours later, Mason gets a call from Reginald, who's been “betrayed by his best friend” and has an open position for Mason. Mason takes a taxi to the Burger Shot for an in-person interview. Reginald and some guy named Dimitri Barkov take him for a driving interview, asking about random stuff like how to draw an elephant and ask Mason about his first time (he hasn't had one). The chat gets pretty homoerotic and dives into Mason's issues with women.

As night falls, Mason finds himself unable to kill as he's forced into this social bonding between himself and his potentially new work colleagues. By chance, they arrive at a campsite from Mason's youth, where they talk about their greatest dreams on a cliffside.

Mason agrees to be Reginald's new best friend, as his old one had betrayed him for a competing restaurant. Reginald explains that Burger Shot gets regularly attacked by terrorists, aliens, ninjas, and other threats, but Mason isn't deterred.

In the end, Mason gets promised a job, and they leave after Reginald murders someone at the scene. Dimitri insults Mason's mom during the interview, so Mason adds him and “the kidnapper guy” to his list. They drop him off at the apartments, unaware that Mason plans to head out again.

Day 1 - The First Kill

Back at the apartments, Mason dons his killing gear,
And pulls out "the list" of those who should fear.
Needs a mask, leaves his ID, takes to the street,
On his slow Cruiser, with vengeance to meet.

Back at the apartments, Mason switches into his killing outfit and pulls out “the list” for revenge. Leaving his ID behind, Mason prowls the streets in his slow Cruiser. After what feels like hours, he finally makes it to Burger Shot, stalking outside with a hatchet in hand before hiding in a see-through dumpster.

Reginald, Dimitri, and a few other Burger Shot employees come out back, looking for him, calling him the “hash slinging slasher”, for the dumpster, unbeknownst to Mason, is see-through on both sides.

Mason is able to take down Dimitri with his hatchet while the man was peeing in the corner. The other Burger Shot employees fight back and try to make their escape. He continues after Reggie onto air ducts, where he is able to get the best of him but is forced to make his escape on foot as the cops arrive at the scene of the crime. From across the street, on top of a building, Mason watches as the officers interview the victims. On the way back to the apartments, Mason is spotted by a cop and has to make a break for it, unsure of if they are now in pursuit. But in the end, Mason makes his escape and is able to get away.

Day 1 results

New victims

  • Dimitri (Reason: insulted Mason's mother)
  • Kidnapper guy with weird voice (Reason: robbed Mason)
  • Masked red-head woman (Reason: robbed Mason)


  • Dimitri

Day 2

After his first kill, Mason wakes from his thrill,
Heads to Harmony Repairs for lockpicks with skill.
Biking up North, an orange car appears,
A masked man helps Mason, but still earns his sneers.

After his first kill, Mason wakes up and heads to Harmony Repairs for lock picks, since they're selling out fast now that they're no longer at the Mega Mart. Biking up North, a masked guy in an orange car launches Mason into the air. The guy helps him, but Mason still adds him to the list. He finally makes it to the repair shop after a long ride on his slow Cruiser. Just as he arrives, a small green car with lime smoke hits his bike. At the shop, Mason manages to get three lock picks, pushing himself further into poverty.

While resting for a moment, a guy in a cowboy hat and orange flex vest accuses him of an insurance scam (which he wasn't doing), marking another potential target for the night. Mason then gets a ride back to the apartments from Wyatt, the assistant manager of PDM. Wyatt tells him that their cars only come in black first, not red like Mason wants, so Mason adds him to the list too.

At the apartments, a guy with a guitar serenades Mason. He tips him, then hops back on his Cruiser to grab some supplies for the night. Problem is, he's almost broke. While biking around, he comes across a helicopter crash on the overpass, but just pedals away, leaving the survivors behind. Back at the apartments, karma hits — his bike gets jacked while he's in his room. Forced to track them down on foot, he eventually gives up and heads back to the Burger Shot.

Once there, Mason has a crisis, questioning if he's really the man he pretends to be during the day, or if that's just a cover for the nighttime Mason. In the end, nothing comes of the visit, and he just grabs a bunch of food for himself. For standing him up and making him wait for the call, Mason adds Reginald to the list under “blonde blue shirt.” But after dropping a Twat (Hitting a woman in front of Reginald), Reginald calls back, saying Mason scored 69 points out of 2,000,000 and that he'll meet the manager in fifteen minutes. To get back, Mason steals a red BMX bike, realizing the meeting with the manager will be at night. So, he stalls his serial killing plans, focusing on the meeting first before bringing out the hatchet.

While waiting at Burger Shot, Mason spots two people trying to steal a car outside. Instead of saying anything, he hides in the bushes and waits for them to leave. During this time, Reggie calls to say the manager had a serious BMX accident but agrees to keep Mason on as a volunteer until upper management can hire him.

Day 2 - Night

Walks back to the apartments, sets up on a roof,
Scouting the complex, thinking he's aloof.
Realizes he passed dealership, where his target works,
Heads back to dealership, where suspicion lurks.
Finds it closed, checks yellow pages, makes a creepy call,
"CH CH CH AH AH AH," self-incriminates, could cause a fall.
Waits in a dumpster, target doesn't show,
Heads to Motorworks, but they vanish, a no-go.

Day 2 results

New victims

  • Orange car guy (Reason: Bumped into Mason with his car)
  • Guy in cowboy hat (Reason: Tried to scam Mason)
  • “blonde blue shirt” Reginald (Reason: Stood up Mason)


Original text from NoPixel Wiki "Mason Foorhees" article.

Created: Fri Jun 07 2024 Updated: 08/06/2024

Authors: remahy

Content is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 CC BY SA v0.0.1 (Alpha)

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